Mata Pelajaran :
Bahasa Inggris Hari/Tgl : ......................................
Kelas/Semester :
V/II Nama : ......................................
Waktu : ........................................
Cross (X) on
a, b, c or d for the correct answer!
What is the English word for “Kamis”?
a. Monday b. Tuesday c. Wednesday d. Thursday
Yesterday was Thursday. Today is …..
a. Sunday b. Monday c. Friday d. Saturday
This month is July, last month was …..
a. June b. May c. August d. January
Today is September the twelfth, tomorrow is …..
a. September
the eleventh c. October
the eleventh
b. September
the thirteenth d. October
the eleventh
16th =
a. Sixteen b. sixteenth c. sixten d. sixtenth
1806 = …..
a. Eighteen
oh six b. eighty oh six c. eighth os six d. six oh eighteen
21th =
a. Twenty
first b. twentieth first c. first twenty d. first twentieth
Seventeen fifty – six =
a. 1756 b. 1706 c. 1056 d. 1765
2010 = …..
a. Two
hundred and ten c.
two thousand ten
b. Twenty
ten d.
twentieth ten
06:55 what time is it ?
It is …….?
a. Five
past six b. six to
five c. five to seven d. a quarter to six
It is ten past eleven = …..
a. 11.10 b. 10.11 c. 10.50 d. 11.49
05 – 01 – 2008 =
a. January
five two thousand eighty c.
the fifth of January, two thousand and eight
b. The
January of five, two thousand d.
the fifth January, two thousand and eight
29th = ….
a. Twentieth
nine b. twenty nine c. twenty ninth d. twenty nineth
The third month is …..
a. January b. March c. February d. August
What is the fifthmonth ?
a. July b. September c. May d. October
It is half past seven = …..
a. 07:30 b. 03:70 c. 03:15 d. 15:30
The christmas is on ….December
a. 1st b. 25th c. 5th d. 17th
There are ….days in a week
a. 8 b. 7 c. 6 d. 5
time is it ?

a. It
is four to six c.
it is a quarter to seven
b. It
is ten to seven d.
it is seven to ten

a. It
is a half past six c.
it is five past six
b. It
is seven to one d. it is
five to seven
- Fill in the blank !
- Fifteen
hundred = ……………..
- 4 /3 /
2014. It is …………………………………
- A : When
…… born
B : April 9,
- 2011 is
- Ali :
When ………………Martin born ?
Santi : He was
born in 1975.
- The
Independence Day of Indonesia is on ……………..
- 23rd
= …………………………………………………
- What is
the sixth month ?
It is …………………………
- The ……………………
of the week is Sunday
- 07:45 it
is ……………………………..
- Reading
Martin Big Family
Hi’,I’m Martin. I
was born in 1999. My mother was born in father was born in 1970. My
grandmother was born in 1945. My little sister was born in 2000. Today is Saturday.
We are going to the park.
Answer the question below!
- When
was Martin born ?
- When
was his little sister born ?
- Was his
father born in nineteen oh seven ?
- Who was born in nineteen seventy five?
- When
are they going to the park?